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Исследовательская работа «Knitting clothes at home is a waste of time and money. Is it really so in russia and in America?»
Автор: Мамонова Айрида Владимировна, Башкирцева Любовь Максимовна
Место работы/учебы (аффилиация): МАОУ "Гимназия № 25", г.Ревда, 8 класс
Научный руководитель: Огородникова Любовь Михайловна
The project work is devoted to intercultural studies. The authors compare knitting supplies and knitting appeals in Russia and in the USA to consider where knitting as a trendy pastime [Phyllis McIntosh2011:49] is much more enjoyed in Russia or in America and why. The authors found out why some people in both countries get knitting as a waste of time and money.
So, the objective of the project work is to consider why knitting is a popular hobby in America and in Russia and why some people in both countries consider knitting a waste of time and money.
The goals of the project work are :
1. To find out about the number of knitters in both countries, therefore to consider if the hypothesis:” There are more knitters in Russia than in the USA” is right or wrong.
2. To find out why some people in both countries get knitting as a waste of time and money.
3. To make a conclusion.
The subject — matter of the research is knitting supplies and knitting appeals in both countries.
The objects of the research are the article «Knitting. A Craft Makes a Comeback»
Research methods are: comparison, doing a survey, interviewing.
Having done the survey of the article «Knitting. A Craft Makes a Comeback» by Phyllis McIntosh the authors came to the conclusion that the number of knitters in America is three times bigger than in Russia although the knitting appeals are almost similar: both Russian and American knitters enjoy keeping their hands occupied with knitting a lot. They consider knitting a creative outlet, a form of artistic expression that can be shared with others[Phyllis McIntosh2011:49]. They share the joy of turning to the needles and yarn as to a great stress reliever and escape from both the frenzy and tedium of daily life. The authors also found out about the reasons of a negative approach to knitting as a waste of time and money: to some people this hobby is too expensive and so time-consuming.
To buy the same garments in the store is sometimes cheaper and doesn’t take too much time.
The authors admit that although there are fewer knitters in Russia than in the United States both Russian and American knitters of all ages agree that knitting – is one of the simple joys of life. “It is simply fun [Phyllis McIntosh2011:49].”
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