Главная Работы на конкурс Предметное образование Естественно-научные дисциплины Research work «Recycling dilemmas: economic incentives for recycling programs»

Research work «Recycling dilemmas: economic incentives for recycling programs»

Автор: Ауганбаева Альбина Багдатовна

Место работы/учебы (аффилиация): University of Tuscia, Italy, Research Assistant

Научный руководитель: Муминов Нурлан

The relevance of research. As everyone knows, the problem of plastic pollution in the last century has become increasingly complex and unsolvable around the world. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the concept of Waste to energy largely coincides with the strategic priorities of Kazakhstan «Green Economy». Humanity is polluting the largest planet. For example, marine experts believe that when fish products are deposited, we consume a certain number of plastic particles. Plastic trapped in the ocean turns into tiny substances, causing the fish to mistake them for food. As a result, plastic substances are found in the body of fish and birds, and we, in turn, get toxins that, because of their consumption, mercury (a dangerous chemical substance) is transmitted to the human body. By 2040, the amount of plastic in the ocean will increase 3 times more than the number of fish in the ocean. For example, marine experts believe that when we consume a fish product, in certain quantities we consume particles of plastic residue, because although all the plastic detritus entering the oceans eventually breaks down, it turns into tiny pieces of plastic that release toxic chemicals (biphenyl A and PS Oligomer). If we do not change our attitude to consumption, the self-destruction mechanism will increase.

The day that we have just experienced will be the reason that sinking waste will be in the fall, after all, a global problem that is gathering before us, in the last category that we must fight. According to the United Nations, the household waste we produce in our daily lives amounts to more than 3 billion tons. While in developed countries, the output of citizens has increased almost 3 times per person over the past 2 centuries. In 2025, waste could increase up to 5 times in tandem with consumption growth if this continues. There is a need to develop an integrated approach where the public, private and community sectors work together to develop local solutions that promote sustainable solid waste management.

According to the Pew Research Center, in 2040, the volume of plastic in the ocean will exceed 4 times. Even if almost all countries process plastic, this will not change the situation because plastic in the oceans is not going anywhere. If we take the current situation, then the only solution should be to reduce consumption and replace plastic products, since the average life of plastic is 3000 years. This is because plastic exchange still cannot be solved, the world of cheap and convenient plastic replacement has not been invented and does not know how to prevent the environmental threat in the face of our country, environmental illiteracy also affects an environmental disaster.

Object of the study is waste management and recycling programs based on foreign experience.

Subject of study is the economic incentives for recycling waste plastic for extending and modifying asphalt binders.

The waste that is recycled is essentially used as a resource, converted into district heating, electricity, biogas. To investigate the environmental well-being of the Nordic countries in the environmental market, the features, and problems of the functioning of waste-to-energy processing in Sweden. Descriptive and experimental-the study uses garbage as fuel in their waste — to-energy plants, and they are forced to import garbage from other countries.

The aim of this work is to analyze the prospects and trends of the development of the environmental well-being of the Nordic countries in the ecological market, and the pursuit of zero waste to protect our depleting limited resources or to reduce the mountains of toxic waste and improve the replacement of plastic with biodegradable substances from starch, waste-to-energy processing in Kazakhstan based on the Swedish experience.

The task of the diploma project is to characterize the positive and negative components that affect waste management systems, such as incinerators and waste recycling in Sweden. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: to analyze the problem of the formation of combustion for the generation of steam, which is later used to rotate turbines for electricity production, and to explore the main points of the Swedish approach to sustainable development. Consider the possible results of the application and adjustment of the characteristic components in Kazakhstan. Consider the possible results of the revised version, on the territory of Kazakhstan, such a method of cleaning the environment with the benefit of the population both in the economic and environmental spheres and the prospects for their advanced development preserving the well-being of society.

Theoretical and practical significance: The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is presented by official documents and publications the concept for the transition to a green economy and the strategy» Kazakhstan–2050 [1], while minimizing the degradation of natural resources. In the strategy of Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev realizing the potential for sustainable development, knowledge about the ecosystem allows the development of new sectors of the economy, significantly avoiding the environmental crisis in Kazakhstan with the help of «green» infrastructure that is aimed at increasing the well-being of society and competitiveness.

In addition, the basic law in article 283 of the Environmental Code of Kazakhstan dated April 28, 2016, No. 506-V SAM “Waste to Energy” was used as a methodological basis . In the strategy of Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev characterizes waste for electricity production and the main points of the approach to sustainable development for centralized heating, in which they are heated by a common heating system instead of working in their own boilers or furnaces of the modern course. The Green Economy Act provides the economic basis for the country’s entry into the top 30 most developed countries with environmental pragmatism and a global interest in recycling. Significant progress has been made.

The research was mainly carried out by the comparative method and the method of economic analysis of the studied topics. Since the facts, the principle of a systematic approach to implementation is investigated. The theoretical basis of this research is the work of Swedish and Scottish researchers, where this topic is considered from different points of view and has different ways of development.

Scientific novelty of the dissertation. In this study, highlight the ways to improve on the growth of social well-being and competitiveness in Kazakhstan from the point of view of the Swedish economic experience is considered as an excellent example of a reference point for Kazakhstan. Sweden’s waste management system has made it a world leader, and it extracts more energy from every ton of waste than any other country. a reference point for Kazakhstan. In this thesis, this problem will be studied from the outside to analyze the problem of forming combustion to generate steam, which is later used to rotate turbines to generate electricity and to explore the main points of the Swedish approach to sustainable development. Implementation of the «green» economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan is moving towards a new trend in the development of economic sectors to sustainable development. In 2013, Kazakhstan entered with new challenges. The implementation of the Concept for a «Green Economy» by 2050 will increase the country’s GDP by 5% and the use of garbage as fuel in its waste — to-energy plants by 30%.

In the modern world, such a country, known to many, Sweden sets an example to the rest of the world. Because even less than 1% of Sweden’s household waste ends up in landfills. According to data obtained from the Internet, of the 4.4 million tons of household waste produced by the country annually, 2.2 million are converted to energy through a process called waste-to-energy (WTE).

Expected Result. The results obtained during the study can be used to use solid plastic waste as a modifier of bitumen for flexible road surfaces. In this paper, the developed method of using plastic waste for the construction of roads and flexible road surfaces is considered. In addition, the results of the study and the proposed recommendations contribute to the qualitative environmental and economic development of the country.

Research methods. The methods used in this project work, I would describe as subjective research, analysis of theory and statistics, aimed at collecting useful information and deepening the knowledge already gained even further. The results show that the plan structures waste management, starting with the replacement of plastic with a biodegradable substance from starch, ending with the developed methodology for using plastic waste for road construction and flexible road surfaces. It aims to maximize the prevention of waste generation, use the waste generated as a resource, and minimize the amount of waste sent to landfill. This proves that my hypothesis was generally positive.

Practical significance of the study. The research contributes to the high-quality ecological and economic development of the country.

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