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Исследовательская работа «Save us: the problem of homeless animals and ways to solve it on the example of Great Britain and the Republic of Belarus»

Автор: Жукова Анна Георгиевна

Место работы/учебы (аффилиация): ГУО "Гимназия №1 г. Солигорска", Республика Беларусь, 9 класс

Научный руководитель: Яковлева Юлия Геннадьевна

On the way home from school I often meet dogs and cats in the park, in the courtyards of apartment buildings and right in the streets. Just one look at these animals is enough to understand that they are hungry and do not have any owners or comfortable housing. Of course, I try to lay up a sandwich for them or something else to eat, but unfortunately, my sandwich does not solve the numerous problems associated with stray animals.

Dogs that don’t have homes and live on the streets are stray dogs. They could also be owned by someone who and might be out itself. Overpopulation of humans and urban arrangement which is chaotic has resulted to a large population of stray dogs in most places in the globe. During cold seasons stray dogs and cats look especially pathetic. Shivering with cold and getting wet in the rain, our smaller brothers suffer in silence. They can not ask for help, provide themselves with food or talk about what they have hurt. Animals die silently as well, freezing at the entrances of the houses, dying of hunger in the backstreets or falling under the cars’ wheels.

In my opinion, the presence of stray dogs and cats in the streets is an evidence of big problems existing in human society. The first phrase that comes to mind in this context is The Little Prince’s statement: «We are responsible for those whom we have tamed.» Having tamed the first wild dog, man took the responsibility for his fate.

Unfortunately, few people care about each other, not to mention the stray animals.

I am truly convinced that the responsibility for the animals’ fate must be inculcated. For example, in the UK, where pets are treated with great trepidation, animal cruelty is punished very severely. A person who commits it can be imprisoned for up to one year or is fined a large sum. After such a sentence the offender of helpless creatures will hardly repeat what he did once. In our country, people, through the fault of whom through the fault of whom animals are killed or maimed, in most cases, are only fined a little money.

Probably, this is impunity that leads to such a blatant irresponsibility. I can not put into words all the feelings that I experience when I learn about the owners who emit animals in the street or «forget» them in their country houses and in the locked apartments when they leave on their vacation. Condemning a helpless creature to a long and painful death is no less terrible crime than murdering a human being, and needs to be punished on all severity.

The purpose of my research: to find out the main reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets, to attract students and adults to the problem of homeless animals.

The object of research: homeless animals.

Resources of scientific research. Resources for scientific research are information taken from the Internet, literature and social networks.

The subject of research: the problem of homeless animals and ways to solve it.

Research tasks:

  • to study literature and Internet resources on this topic;
  • to study the state of the problem of stray animals in the UK;
  • to study the state of the problem of homeless animals in the Republic of Belarus;
  • to share the information received with classmates;
  • to create a propaganda leaflet;
  • to analyze the work done, draw conclusions.

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