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Public Speech «Bullying»

Автор: Зверева Анастасия Александровна

Место работы/учебы (аффилиация): МАОУ"Гимназия №6" г. Перми, 8 класс

Научный руководитель: Яруллина Роза Григорьевна

When all students celebrated the end of the first quarter and the beginning of autumn holidays, our class had a conversation with the police officer. “What did they do?” you will ask. We were talking about bullying. What does it mean?

Bullying is a process when one person uses his power to harm another person physically or mentally.  Bullying can happen anywhere with anyone in spite of race or your position in society. But usually bullying happens at school. There are three people, who always take part in bullying: a bully- a person who does harm, a victim – a person who looks or behaves differently than others, a witness – a person who sees everything, but does nothing. Nevertheless, a victim is always weaker and unprotected. The main reasons of bullying are covered in the bully.

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