Главная Работы на конкурс Педагогика, психология, управление образованием Исследование урока (Lesson study) на тему: «Развитие продуктивных навыков путем активных методов обучения (Developing Productive Skills through Active Learning Methods)»

Исследование урока (Lesson study) на тему: «Развитие продуктивных навыков путем активных методов обучения (Developing Productive Skills through Active Learning Methods)»

Автор: Ергалиева Асель Ергалиевна

Место работы/учебы (аффилиация): Назарбаев Интеллектуальная школа г.Усть-Каменогорска, Республика Казахстан, учитель Английского языка, Глобальных Перспектив и Проектной работы


This study focusses on how lesson study influences on teacher professional development. Through this professional development process, teachers’ aim was to improve the teaching and learning process. After determining the aims of the study, our next task was to receive results. In this way, we arranged to conduct five cycles including the following things:

  1. Collaborative lesson planning;
  2. Teaching and observing three students: more-able student (A), middle-able students (B), less-able student (C);
  3. Interviewing three students to know their opinion about the lesson;
  4. Post lesson discussion;
  5. New collaborative lesson planning based on discussing findings (feedback)

During the lesson study, our team used various teaching methods and strategies such as developing productive skills (writing and speaking) through listening and reading activities, conducting debates and discussing film genres. In addition, during the lesson, the team used various differentiated tasks to cover all lesson objectives, criteria-based assessment, and interactive technologies.


This work describes all the steps made by like-minded teachers to improve teaching practice in lesson study (LS) project. During the project, there were studied the works of Peter Dudley and Chichibu Toshiya. The project was designed according to the third type of LS: a group of teachers studied one topic and each teacher had own aim connected to the topic. This case study is relevant to Nazarbayev Intellectual School (NIS) since the school holds the project annually to reach high results in teaching practice, and organizes conferences among state schools to share the experience.

The research questions:

  • How to develop productive skills during the lesson?
  • What active learning methods influence the productive skills development?
  • How to choose appropriate teaching methods to meet students’ needs?

After determining the aims and research questions, our next task was to receive results.

Research methods

As we have mentioned earlier, the team members had their own aims to investigate.

  1. Cycle 1- ‘How interactive technologies can help students of different levels to develop writing skills.’ The method used was ‘interactive writing.’
  2. Cycle 2 — developing writing skills (writing a report) through context analysis. The method used was jigsaw reading and self-reflection report.
  3. Cycle 3 was how to improve students’ speaking skills through differentiated tasks? The method was conducting a debate and role division.
  4. Cycle 4 was about developing speaking skills by reading authentic stories. The method used was a crazy professor reading and listening.
  5. Cycle 5’s aim was to see how interactive technologies could help students of different levels to develop speaking skills. The method used was making a mind map in groups.

Results of lesson study

Conducting a lesson study was useful in our teaching practice in several ways:

  • keeping all stages of LS cycles;
  • receiving positive feedback from students;
  • improving teaching practice (learning new teaching approaches);
  • improving students’ performances (summative assessment results)

Evidently, the LS project had a great impact on teams’ work and contributed to its professional development. As a team, we chose the right aim to investigate since students are struggling with expressing their opinions in both forms of writing and speaking.

Conclusion and discussion

  1. Lesson study is a long-lasting process, which requires patience and responsibility. After the LS project, the team reached the goal by finding the answers to all research questions. Students could easily respond to the questions and expressed opinion. In addition, all three-leveled students have shown excellent results on summative assessment for unit and term.
  2. The post-lesson discussions helped us to reach the aim. Having analyzed the lessons, the students’ responses and the interview answers, a new task for the team was to think about how to improve teaching and how to reach the goal. We were thinking about new approaches, which facilitated developing productive skills.
  3. What is more, a map of gifted and talented students, which was made by school psychologists, helped us to concentrate more on students’ needs. The tasks were organized according to the students’ learning styles.

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