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Авторская программа «Elective Course in English “Practical Tips for IELTS”
Автор: Харькова Светлана Петровна
Место работы/учебы (аффилиация): Школа-лицей "Жибек жолы" г. Шу Республики Казахстан, учитель английского языка
The program gives a short overview of IELTS and prepares students of secondary school (10-11 grades) for the international exam. The program includes minute description of principles, methods and content which it is based on.
Explanatory note
In March 2010, Kazakhstan officially joined the Bologna Declaration and became the 47th member of the common zone of higher education, and the first Central Asian state recognized as a full member of the common European educational space. Currently, Kazakhstan is carrying out a purposeful, consistent work on the convergence of the national system of higher education with the educational systems of the countries participating in the Bologna process. A clear evidence of this work is the introduction since 2011 of the academic mobility program, as a result of which thousands of students and postgraduates received qualified education abroad. To enter this program, as well as for admission to many prestigious Universities in the country, you need to pass the international exam IELTS (International English language Testing), then—IELTS, Academic Level. This exam determines the level of knowledge of the English language and the ability to operate it in accordance with the common European Framework.
The basis for the development of this program was the need to acquire additional knowledge and skills in preparation for IELTS, for school graduates to enter international Universities, as well as Universities in the country, putting forward the international exam IELTS as one of the requirements for admission. This direction is not reflected in the educational programs adopted in the territory of Kazakhstan, but it is in demand for modern schoolchildren. This course is developing-compensating. Attending it, students will improve their skills in speaking, writing essays, reports, letters, reading, understanding texts, and performing tasks of increased complexity within a limited period of time. The program allows you to work out techniques and strategies that determine the most effective performance in IELTS, and also contains a large number of exercises aimed at working out the format of this international exam. This program is designed for high school students of specialized schools, as well as secondary schools in the variable part of school education.
The initial documents for producing the program of the training course are:
- State obligatory standard for secondary education (primary, basic secondary, general secondary education)(with changes and additions as of 15.08.2017.)
- The list of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions implementing general education programs.
- List of textbooks on preparation for IELTS test Macmillan, University of Cambridge.
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