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Исследовательская работа «Conditions of the disposal of separate garbage collection in an urban environment»

Автор: Фершалов Григорий Ростиславович

Место работы/учебы (аффилиация): ГБОУ РПМГ №2 "СМАРТ", г. Уфа, Республика Башкортостан, 8 класс

Научный руководитель: Фершалова Елена Витальевна

Relevance. Nowadays the relevance of separate garbage collection causes a lot of discussion. Greenpeace scientists estimated that on average each person throws out about 200 kg of garbage per year. After learning this fact from posts of environmental bloggers. I became eager to know where all this garbage is removed to and how it is disposed.
From Anna Voityukova’s blog I found out that the problem of garbage removal and its disposal is getting more and more serious in our country. Most often garbage is just removed to city dumps where it is either burnt or left to rot. Both of these methods of garbage disposal are very harmful to the environment. Process of garbage disposal depends on the possibilities of different regions in our country. In some regions the quantity of dumps is growing each year, while in other regions there are incinerators.
It’s not a secret that none of these methods is safe for humans as rotting garbage pollutes not only large areas of ground but also groundwater and reservoirs located near such dumps. In the process of incineration harmful substances release into the air which worsen its quality. So both methods of garbage disposal mentioned above are outdated and do not include the process of recycling. Besides, from environmental bloggers I found out that the amount of garbage disposed can be reduced many times if the recycling process is implemented.
At the family council we decided to experiment to adhere to the concept of separate garbage collection. And the pressing question arose. Where should we dispose the separately collected garbage? Are there conditions for the implementation of separate garbage collection in our city? Simultaneously the idea of writing a research work on the topic of “Conditions of the disposal of separate garbage collection in an urban environment” came to my mind.

The purpose of the study is to find out and consider conditions of separate garbage collection implementation in our city.

According to the purpose of the study the following tasks were set:

  1. To understand the mechanism of garbage disposal in our city of Ufa;
  2. To study the conditions for implementation and disposal of garbage collected separately in the city;
  3. To learn how garbage may be reused;
  4. To dispose household garbage separately for recycling during the period of the research;
  5. To conduct the questionnaire on the subject of awareness of ways of separate garbage collection and points for disposal of sorted garbage among acquaintances, friends and classmates.

Practical value: Conducting educational activities on this issue based on the results of the experiment on separate garbage collection and speaking at a scientific school conference.

Hypothesis: One can significantly reduce the amount of the garbage thrown out by sorting it for recycling.

Relevance: Increasing volumes of household garbage is one of the most important ecological, social and economical problems of our city. Disposal of the solid domestic waste in the dump is the simplest and cheapest method to handle garbage. However, the existing system of handling of garbage is not effective as the current mechanism of collection, removing and disposal of household garbage exhausted the possibilities and requires updating.

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