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Доклад к исследовательской работе «The modern world is the world of high information technologies»
Автор: Мосина Ангелина Эдуардовна
Место работы/учебы (аффилиация): МОУ "Гимназия №7", г. Саратов, 9 класс
Научный руководитель: Солнцева Евгения Михайловна
«Who owns information, he owns the world» (Nathan Rothschild) — these famous words are known to almost everyone today. Currently, information is considered to be one of the main resources for the development of society. Information technology is considered to be the means of increasing the efficiency of human labor.
Purpose of the research — to determine the importance of information technologies and information in the life of a modern person and the whole society.
Objectives of the research:
- To make up questionnaires for classmates and students.
- To conduct a survey among students and classmates.
- To analyze and summarize the obtained results.
- To identify the positive aspects of the introduction of information technology in such spheres as education, healthcare, social services.
- To study the literature on the theme.
- To draw conclusions.
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